Pentagrammakademie des Kampfes

  • Die Pentagrammakademie des Kampfes zu Zackenberg ist eine auf Kampfmagie spezialisierte Akademie im Goldenen Reich. Praiodan von Fuchshag ist Dekan der Akademie.

    1 Fakten

    Voller Name Pentagrammakademie des Kampfes wider der Verfemten im Namen der Elemente
    Ort Herzfeste, Goldenes Reich
    Dekan Praiodan of Fuchshag
    stellv. Dekan Nemekath Valero
    Größe klein
    finanzielle Stärke ausreichend
    Ausrüstung adequat
    Bücherei respektabel -

    2 Wichtige Räume

    Camera Magna Eine große Halle um Gäste zu empfangen
    Refektorium Speisekammer
    Camera Consilii Besprechungsraum für wichtige Angelegenheiten. Eleven haben hier keinen Zugriff
    Camera Cognitionis Debattierraum
    Camera Ludorum Abstellkammer
    Senaculum Magistrum Raum der Magister

    3 Personal

    4 Stundenplan

    4.1 Allgemeiner Unterricht

    Jeder Eleve wird in folgenen Dingen unterrichtet:

    • Literacy & numeracy: The Eleven will be taught in reading and writing the official trading language of Mythodea. At the same time, they will also be taught in numeracy by learning to add or subtract numbers. In further studies, they will also learn to read, write and even speak other cultures languages.
    • Law: To comply with every law, the Eleven will be taught in them.
    • History of Mythodea: The story of Mythodea is treated through general and specialized sources. This includes understanding of the origin of the continent, the time of the ancient rulers and the time of the mortals. The latter is explained by discussions about the Mitrasperan Herald as well as reports and experiences of the Magisters. The geography of the continent, the seals and the free cities are also included in this area.
    • Philosophy: During the study, the Eleven should be taught a righteous and responsible behavior. This also includes the perspective on magic and rituals as well as its manipulation and the respectful handling of it.
    • Light Spell: The Eleven will be taught in casting the Light Spell during the study.

    4.2 Theoretischer Unterricht

    Theoretical doctrine conveys to students a picture of the work and behavior of forces, so that they are able, on their own responsibility, to understand and use unknown powers and activities.

    • The Elements: Kral’Assil, Quihen’Assil, aspects, races, development
    • The Forsaken Elements: Genesis, structures, abilities, development, vulnerabilities
    • Spheres: General informations about the different spheres, but no sphere traveling
    • Aspects of being: To understand, who we are and why we can use magic, every Eleve will be taught in the aspects of being.
    • Rituals: Every Eleve will be taught in behavior while in a ritual and the general meaning of rituals and why we make them.

    4.3 Praktischer Unterricht

    Practical teachings include above all the physical characteristics, the control of the mind, as well as the learning of magic.

    • Physical training: Eleven have to do physical training early in the morning, even before breakfast, to be in a good physical shape when they need to be ready for battle.
    • Spells: Beyond the magic of light, they can specialize in a wide range of spells in their fields. Here, a distinction is made between the branches of (a) magic in combat, which primarily covers physical and mental protection, as well as destructive techniques, and (b) the theoretical-useful, which focuses on analysis, anti-magic and theory. Both include the ability of collaborative magic (unitatio).
      • Neutral
        • Light
        • Fire
        • Barrier
        • Transfer Magic
        • Magic Search
      • Defensive
        • Dispel Magic
        • Dispel Effect
        • Shield against effect (advanced study)
        • (Defuse) Secure(d) magic (advanced study)
      • Offensive
        • Missile
        • Armour
        • Gust of winds
    • Combat training: Eleven will be trained on wielding sword and staff. Additionally they get exercises in combat tactics and their position in battle as a battle mage.

    4.4 Weiterführender Unterricht

    The complete study at the PAK is completed with the final exam, but can then continued as Adept / Adepta, as well as Magister / Magistra to pass on the learned. Further education can be requested at any time at the academy, where the interested person either participates in the regular lessons or is educated on a one-to-one basis. The study usually lasts two years and will be extended for half a year if the examination fails, until a re-examination can take place.

    5 Stundenplan

    6 Andere Projekte

    6.1 Alchemielabor

    In one of the wings of the academy an alchemy laboratory is set up, to which the Eleven have no access.

    6.2 Bleikammer

    For safekeeping of objects classified as dangerous or artifacts a basement tract of the academy is rebuilt, in order to show appropriate security arrangements both profane and magical nature.
